Make Running Fun for Kids

Running is a great way to stay healthy, fit, and happy. But how can you get your kids interested in running and make it fun for them? Here are some tips and ideas to help you inspire your little ones to lace up their shoes and hit the trails.

1. Start with some running games

Kids love to play games, and running can be a part of many fun and exciting activities. You can try some of these running games with your kids to get them moving and having a blast:

  • Sharks and Minnows: This is a classic game that can be adapted for runners. One person is the shark and stands in the middle of a large area, while the others are the minnows and line up on one end. The shark calls out “Come minnows, come!” and the minnows have to run across the area without getting tagged by the shark. If they get tagged, they become sharks too and help catch the other minnows. The last minnow standing is the winner¹.
  • Solve the Puzzle: This game is great for longer runs and teamwork. You need a puzzle (preferably with large pieces) and some envelopes. Divide the puzzle pieces into several envelopes and hide them in different locations around your running route. The kids have to run together to find and collect the envelopes, then return to a home base and put the puzzle together².
  • Last to First Run: This game is good for speed work and friendly competition. You need at least three runners for this game. They line up single file on a track or a looped course and run at a steady pace. The person at the end of the line has to sprint to the front of the line, then slow down to match the pace of the others. The new person at the end of the line has to do the same, and so on².

2. Take your kids to new, exciting trails and areas

Running in the same place can get boring, especially for kids who crave variety and adventure. To keep them interested and motivated, try taking them to different trails and areas that offer new sights, sounds, and challenges. For example, you can take them to:

  • A park or a forest where they can spot wildlife, flowers, or other natural features.
  • A beach or a lake where they can run on the sand, splash in the water, or collect shells.
  • A city or a town where they can see historical landmarks, cultural attractions, or street art.
  • A hill or a mountain where they can enjoy the views, breathe the fresh air, or climb rocks.

3. Look for opportunities to socialize

Running can be more fun when you do it with others who share your passion and enthusiasm. You can look for opportunities to socialize with other runners and make new friends along the way. For example, you can:

  • Join a local running club or program for kids that offers coaching, training, and support.
  • Sign up for fun runs or kid races that are suitable for your kids’ age and ability level.
  • Involve your kids in your own races and training by letting them cheer you on, run with you, or volunteer at aid stations.
  • Support your kids with a medal or a special reward after they complete a run or achieve a goal.

4. Let your kids take the lead with training

One of the best ways to make running fun for kids is to let them take charge of their own training and goals. This will help them develop a sense of ownership, responsibility, and confidence in their running abilities. You can let your kids take the lead by:

  • Asking them what they want to achieve with running, whether it’s finishing a certain distance, improving their speed, or having fun.
  • Helping them create a realistic and flexible training plan that suits their schedule, preferences, and needs.
  • Encouraging them to listen to their bodies and adjust their pace, intensity, and duration accordingly.
  • Praising their efforts, progress, and achievements along the way.

Running is a wonderful activity that can benefit your kids in many ways. By following these tips and ideas, you can make running fun for your kids and help them develop a lifelong love for this sport. Happy running!