Tips and drills to improve running form

Good running form is essential for efficiency, performance, and injury prevention. When you have good form, you are able to run more smoothly and with less effort. You are also less likely to develop overuse injuries, such as shin splints and runner’s knee.

There are a number of things you can do to improve your running form. Here are a few tips and drills to get you started:


  • Keep your core engaged. This will help to stabilize your body and prevent you from overstriding.
  • Land on your midfoot or forefoot. This will help to reduce impact and shock on your joints.
  • Keep your arms relaxed and swinging at your sides. Avoid crossing your arms in front of your body.
  • Keep your head up and your shoulders relaxed. Avoid hunching over.


  • High knees: This drill helps to improve your knee drive and stride length. To do high knees, simply alternate raising each knee up to your waist as you run.
  • Butt kicks: This drill helps to improve your ankle flexibility and range of motion. To do butt kicks, simply kick your heels back towards your butt as you run.
  • A-skips: This drill helps to improve your coordination and running cadence. To do A-skips, simply skip forward with your knees raised high and your arms swinging in opposition.
  • B-skips: This drill helps to improve your hip mobility and running form. To do B-skips, simply skip forward with your knees raised high and your arms swinging in the same direction.
  • Strides: Strides are short, controlled sprints that help to improve your speed and running form. To do strides, gradually increase your speed for 30-40 meters and then maintain high speed with good, controlled form for another 40-60 meters.

You can do these drills on a soft surface, such as a track or grass field. Start slowly and gradually increase the speed and distance as you get more comfortable.

It is important to note that it takes time and practice to improve your running form. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep practicing the drills and you will eventually see improvement.

Here are some additional tips for improving your running form:

  • Get feedback from a qualified running coach or physical therapist. They can watch you run and provide specific feedback on how to improve your form.
  • Videotape yourself running and watch it back. This can help you to identify areas where you need to improve.
  • Be mindful of your running form as you run. Focus on keeping your core engaged, landing on your midfoot or forefoot, and keeping your arms relaxed and swinging at your sides.

By following these tips and drills, you can improve your running form and enjoy your runs more.