Why you should not run fast ?

Pace is a very important metric for runners, especially for those who are training for a specific race or distance. However, it’s also important to know when to stay away from pace. Here are a few reasons why:

  • It can lead to injury. If you’re always running at a fast pace, you’re putting your body at a higher risk of injury. This is because your muscles and joints don’t have enough time to recover between workouts.
  • It can burnout. Running at a fast pace all the time can also lead to burnout. This is when you become physically and mentally exhausted from running too hard. Burnout can make it difficult to stick to your training plan and can even lead to you giving up on running altogether.
  • It can take the fun out of running. If you’re constantly focused on your pace, you’re missing out on the enjoyment of running. Running should be something that you enjoy, not something that you dread.

So, when should you stay away from pace? Here are a few tips:

  • On long runs. Your long run should be done at a conversational pace. This means that you should be able to talk in complete sentences while running. If you can’t talk, you’re running too fast.
  • On recovery runs. Recovery runs should be done at a very slow pace. These runs are meant to help your body recover from harder workouts. Don’t worry about your pace on recovery runs. Just focus on listening to your body and running at a pace that feels comfortable.
  • When you’re not feeling well. If you’re feeling tired, sick, or injured, don’t worry about your pace. Just focus on running at a pace that feels comfortable and that won’t make your symptoms worse.
  • When you’re just out for fun. If you’re just out for a fun run, don’t worry about your pace at all. Just enjoy the run and focus on the scenery or the company you’re with.

Here are a few tips for running without pace:

  • Listen to your body. Pay attention to how you’re feeling and adjust your pace accordingly. If you’re feeling tired, slow down. If you’re feeling good, you can speed up.
  • Run to feel, not to a number. Instead of focusing on your pace, focus on how you feel. Are you breathing comfortably? Are your muscles feeling good? If so, you’re at a good pace.
  • Run with friends. Running with friends is a great way to take your mind off of your pace and focus on enjoying the run. You can chat with your friends or simply enjoy each other’s company.
  • Run on new routes. Running on new routes is another great way to take your mind off of your pace and focus on the scenery. You can explore your neighborhood or city or even run in a park or nature preserve.

Remember, pace is not the most important thing when it comes to running. The most important thing is to enjoy yourself and to listen to your body.